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5 Principles of Leadership That Every Marketer Should Follow

What is good leadership? What makes someone a good leader? There is no single answer, but there are principles that when followed, will help you succeed as one.

Leadership is a topic that is frequently discussed. There are courses, conferences, books, and webinars that will tell you what good leadership is and the kind of leader you should be. In reality, there are many “right” ways to lead..

That being said, in my experience, successful leadership is often the result of following a few principles. Leadership based on these principles will create an environment where your team can succeed, which should be the ultimate goal of any leader.

Know Your People

On my first deployment, my commander told me that “if you aren’t tired as a leader then you probably aren’t doing it right”. He explained that he wasn’t referring to working yourself to death, or setting some unrealistic work schedule that you expect your people to emulate. Instead, he emphasized that you must get out of your office and get to know your people.

You must be proactive in learning what motivates each member of your team, what their challenges are, and how you can help them. They must know that you care if you want any chance of them caring about you and your organization. They will never believe you care if you don’t spend real time with them.

Eliminate Fear

One of the best things a leader can do is to eliminate fear. While it is true that fear can be a powerful motivator (looking at you Steve Jobs), an absence of fear is much more powerful. When people feel safe, they are better able to execute. They can act confidently knowing that their position is secure. They are more willing to take risks that may take your company to the next level.

In no way does this mean that people should not be held accountable. Both positive and negative consequences must be the result of the actions people take. What is important is that people are not afraid to make mistakes or take risks. They need to know that you will have their back when everything doesn’t go perfectly. That you are willing to see mistakes as an opportunity to learn and improve, and not just as an excuse to punish or fire people. Sometimes what people need to hear is that their idea is not the one that will be the most effective, but that you have a path that will be more successful. An employee that is led with fear will never be willing to make that call.

Empower Your People

One of the great results of eliminating fear is that your people will feel empowered. Empowered people take risks. Empowered people think of new ways of doing things. Empowered people are not content to do what they are told; they are willing to act of their own accord which opens the door for creativity and incredible results. An empowered employee knows when to color within the lines and when pushing the boundary is required.


Closing the loop with your employees is essential to their success. How you choose to measure or deliver this feedback could take many different forms, but you have to do it. People need to know the results of their efforts. They must know if what they are doing is working. When and feedback is given after the action has taken place, everyone has an opportunity to learn. Doing this early in a process sets the standard for the entire team.

Through feedback, we have an opportunity to learn what works, and what doesn’t. We have an opportunity to learn what our strengths and weaknesses are. We have an opportunity to provide a better service, or a better product to our customers.

Personalize It

Every leader has a different style, and every team member does as well. Ineffective leaders lack their own identity and are constantly copying the style of other leaders. Although there is nothing wrong with evolving your style over time, constant and frequent changes in leadership style screams “fake leader”. No one likes to be on a team with a fake leader.

Take the time to think about who you are, and how you want to lead. There are a million different ways to do it effectively, but the key is to figure out the way that YOU do it effectively.

About the author

David Lynn

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