On the 6th Day of #HITMCChristmas … Dr. Nick van Terheyden from Incremental Health

Note: In case you missed the other 12 Days of #HITMCChristmas, you can start with the first day here along with the story behind #HITMCChristmas or read all 12 days here as they are published.

On the 6th Day of #HITMCChristmas we’re excited to feature, Nick van Terheyden, MD, Managing Director at Incremental Healthcare.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am known as “Dr. Nick”, not just a medical Doctor but an innovator with a passion driven by my career and training as a physician, and someone who is a digital enthusiast. I’m driven to work with organizations and teams with a clear mission who are focused on solving the hard problems in healthcare using any and all tools available.

I hail from a different shore as evidenced by accent and penchant for Scottish whisky, but it goes much deeper for me with an international background that features several continents, civil wars, tartan kilts, many different cultures and languages in my past that add up to who I am.

Having been CMO (Chief Medical Officer) at multiple health IT companies, what’s the role of the CMO at a health IT company?

The Chief Medical Officer is focused on Strategic Insights and the internal development of healthcare related technology and driving thought leadership both internally and externally. They should be part of the senior level team helping drive corporate direction and perform a matrix style ole of cross functional support across all the traditional business domains with a piacular focus on development, sales, marketing and communications.

The CMO provides insights into healthcare systems around the world that translates into effective and practical strategies for product marketing, implementation and for expansion for healthcare technology and system around the world. They help organizations navigate the complex healthcare systems with new products or solutions providing the voice of multiple customers including the clinical and business perspective.

Great CMO’s are good at seeing round corners for what innovation is coming to healthcare and how it will be applied to disrupt the practice of medicine, helping organizations to identify solutions and technologies early in their appearance in the market

What are some ways that a health IT company can effectively leverage a CMO in their marketing efforts?  How should a CMO not be used in marketing a health IT company?

Key to the success of using the CMO is including them in all the organizational activities. Oftentimes early involvement can help identify upcoming challenges or roadblocks to success that range from regulatory to simple acceptance issues from the customer base.

They should be part of the outward facing team communicating solutions to the customer base and helping cement the organization as a trend setter and respected opinion leader. To maximize exposure and opportunities helping promote the insights into the marketplace with speaking opportunities, papers and research publications. Offering additional support to the CMO to maximize their reach and capabilities helps to amplify the message and extend their capabilities to wider audiences.

You have your own healthcare radio show/podcast.  Who are your top 3 interviews and why?

I really want to dodge the question because each and every time I interview someone, I find myself energized and excited by the conversation. So, calling out any, one, two or three episodes is disingenuous to others so I am going to say to each and every one of my guests thank you for joining me and participating in my radio show and podcast.

I know you have a real passion for whiskey.  Tell us more about that and what you’re doing with whiskey tastings that marketers could leverage.

Generally – whisky is the ‘Scottish’ spelling and the one I would always use. Whiskey is for everywhere else.

As for tasting, I have been putting out tasting experience videos for some time and was all set to run an in person tasting earlier this year at one of the upcoming conferences when COVID19 hit.

Until we return to in person meetings virtual tastings are proving popular. The concept is affordable and packages up 3 small samples of whisky that are mailed out to participants ahead of time. Then, on a virtual call leading everyone through the process of tasting to appreciate the smells, various tastes and understand how to enjoy (and describe) them.

It’s a great way to continue community while we remain challenged with Pandemic restrictions on in person meetings. For those that can’t or don’t want to drink whisky, alternatives can be found so this can be an all-inclusive experience. Important to the success is the ability for everyone to experience the whisky at the same time. Until we have virtual smell and taste systems, we can achieve this with sample boxes.

What can the HITMC Community do to help Dr. Nick?

It would be great if people would:

Subscribe to our Insights newsletter

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Join our Weekly COVID Insights to Action Discussion Group

In addition, I would love to hear of new opportunities. I’ve been fortunate to have worked in a range of areas retained by a number of clients, but am truly seeking to return to a full-time role as an independent expert and leader in Digital Healthcare and Sustainable Innovation at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and human behavior. I would love to hear from anyone who has a role in mind or knows of something that might suit someone with my particular set of wide-ranging healthcare, technology, and business-related skills.

Be sure to follow all of the 12 Days of #HITMCChristmas.

About the author

John Lynn

John Lynn is the Editor and Founder of the nationally renowned blog network HealthcareScene.com. The Healthcare Scene network currently consists of 15 blogs containing almost 7000 articles. These EMR and Healthcare IT related articles have been viewed over 13 million times. Plus, Healthcare Scene recently added Health IT focused career resources HealthcareITCentral.com and HealthcareITToday.com to the network.
John also co-founded two companies: InfluentialNetworks.com and Physia.com. Plus, John is the Founder of 10 other blogs including the Pure TV Network and Vegas Startups. John’s 25+ blogs have published over 15,000 blog posts, garnered over 30 million views and had over 122,000 comments. John is highly involved in social media, and in addition to his blogs can be found on Twitter: @techguy and @ehrandhit and LinkedIn.

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